‘I love documenting things, telling a
story’ this is the reason behind Harlow College student Warren Harrison’s
passion for photography.
though Warren always loved photography, it didn’t come without its struggles,
he decided that he would take it as a GCSE: ‘I sort of failed it’. Despite this setback it didn’t stop Warren
from wanting to pursue his dream.
is clear that Warren’s favourite photographer Chris Tew, has contributed
greatly to his ambition of becoming a professional photojournalist: ‘He is the
one who taught me everything I know about photography, he travels around the
world photographing and reporting on a range of different subjects’.
main dream for the future is to work in the Caribbean ‘I would love to be teaching
photography maybe in the Caribbean’.
Maxwell-Hyslop Warren’s tutor at Harlow College spoke of his dedication to his
work; ‘he is a
very conscientious student, he is always precise in his work’. This shows that
Warren is very serious about his desire to achieve great things in the
said that he tries to make every photo unique in some way. This statement shows
that at just nineteen years old he is trying to make his mark in the
photography world.
yourself in today’s current climate seems absolutely vital when it comes to having
a successful career. Alison Cobb who works at Reed gave advice on what would
give a photography student an advantage in the industry: ‘mindset, it’s of key
importance’ Warren already knows what he wants and where he hopefully will be
in the next ten years, it is really refreshing to see.
is an industry that itself is very versatile as there are many jobs that a
person can do. The careers choices in this industry range from being one of the
paparazzi to photographing models for a modelling agency. Warren wants to take
his love of photography and use it positively to achieve the goal of helping make
a difference to people’s lives.
will be interesting to see what the future holds for him, and it is clear that
if he carries on with that same determined mindset he will achieve them. Warren’s
aspirations already go beyond the college campus and hopefully we will hear of
his success in the near future.